Libels Visited by Super-Man
SMAN 15 Surabaya also known as Libels, is one of the favorite schools in the city of heroes, Surabaya. Located in Menanggal and near to Cito mall are much in demand by junior high school students because they are famous for being cool and there are always new innovation, as well as quality outputs. I personally very happy to be able to enter this favorite school and spend my high school life here.
Libels has three extern events which have become annual events since 2012: LEO (Libels English Olympiad), LC (Libels Cup), and Liberty (Libels party). The success of OSIS libels in creating events is always supported by its internal students as well.
Besides extern events, libels also have events to pamper their own students, one of those event is Libels day. Libels day is celebrated together with the commemoration of Indonesian Independence Day. Libels day is always awaited because the event is cool. Bazaars, class decoration competitions, dance competitions, acoustic competitions, photobooth, door prizes and class costume competitions are all on libels day. And at the end of the event will be closed with Chants from Gambesmania.
This year libels day is so fun because it's creative in class costume selection. There is class XI-10 who use motorcycle taxi drivers online. haha don't think so much right? Who would have a thought to get that costume they should rent or buy it to the original driver. Really cool ideas and innovative to take the theme of the costume. Everybody knows if the ojol driver is also a hero, they prove that drivers are the same as humans and should be respected.
It turns out that XI-10 have not succeeded in winning the comp and replaced by XII-8 who use traditional Balinese costume. Even so, Libels Day 2K19 still fun and unforgettable.
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Laporkan Penyalahgunaan
you too!
you too!
thanks, you too!
cringey but i like it
*aimless to reply this comment*
when millens visit ur page be like:
Nice bit
thanks julll
Great! Feedback & follback please :)
u great too!
Nice bit!
you post is nice too, audrey!
uu you too!
thanks darl!
you too girl!
Oh! Wow!
oh! you still awake! WKWK
woah thanks
you too!
Wonderful thing
you too
thanks trixie!
nice one
thanks pretty
What an amazing!
ur amazing too
thanks love!
unbelievable sight
great picture, where did you get that from?
from you hehe thanks for helping!