Last Saturday (11/15) SMAN 15 Surabaya destroyed the JX International Expo with its proud annual event, Libels Party 2K19. This event is the last event presented by OSIS-MPK 2018-2019 period. LEO 2K19 and Libels Cup 2K19 are events that precede Liberty. This period is a comeback period that brought back the name of this favorite high school in the eyes of the people of Surabaya after the previous year experienced a down point.
As usual, SMAN 15 Surabaya is no longer afraid to spend hundreds of millions just to invite artists. Our loyalty and pride for this school is ingrained, so it feels obliged to give our best for Libels.
Liberty 2K19 is enlivened by three musicians with three different eras. Warming up by the appearance of indie rock band from Jakarta, Reality Club. Also there is Kahitna and one and only God Father of Broken Heart Didi Kempot.
After Fathia Izzati and her band managed to attract the attention of the audience, Takkan Terganti song began to be sung by Kahitna. "Tonight, let's talk about love," Hedi Yunus said after singing his first song. Suddenly, the audience screamed hysterically. The screams became more hysterical because Kahitna attracted female audiences to go onstage to sing along when Tak Sebebas Merpati song. All groups including millennials were amazed when Kahitna closed the performance with Cantik song.
The party is not over, Didi Kempot as the closing guest star of Liberty 2K19 managed to destroy the entire JX International Expo. The enthusiasm of the audience really made the committee feel satisfied and all fatigue is paid. The Pamer Bojo song sung by Didi Kempot together with his choirs officially closed this exciting night at Liberty 2K19.
As a committee, I feel so proud because the boredom of the past four months has been paid for by all the excitement last night and JX is full house last night. This long process is not always smooth, we have been through winding until finally this event is memorable for those who come. Even so, it is still far from perfect. All we hope for is to scent Libels and we can sleep well after this. Greetings from senior students OSIS-MPK 2018-2019 period, see you at Liberty 2K20! Good night!
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