Libels party or commonly known as Liberty is an annual art event held by SMAN 15 Surabaya. This event usually invites famous bands or singers. This year, liberty was held at the East Java International Convention Exhibition Expo on November 15, 2019, Liberty invited the Reality Club, Kahitna and Didi Kempot.
This year's Liberty looks very festive. The event opened with the appearance of the winners of the band & vocal solo competition, then continued with some extracurricular activities from SMAN 15 Surabaya. And finally, it's time for guest stars to appear.
The opening guest star is the Reality Club. Greet the audience with light music that makes the audience sing lightly. The next performance is Kahitna. Kahitna made the audience sing their famous songs. And the closing show is Didi Kempot. Didi Kempot makes the audience sing and dance through his energetic songs.
This year the libels party ran smoothly and successfully. Thank you to all who have enlivened this event. Hopefully next year Liberty can invite more interesting guest stars. See you at Liberty 2k20.
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Laporkan Penyalahgunaan
Liberty 2019 was amazing!
That was an amazing show!
So amazing, don't forget to follback and comment my article. Thank you
Wow! That's so spectacular!!
apaan tuh