Fingerprint After Prayer
SMAN 15 Surabaya is one of the favorite schools in Surabaya. Who always make improvements in its construction, one of which is the installation of fingerprints in the mosque to control the prayer times of students of Surabaya 15 Surabaya for Muslims.
Why does this school hold fingerprints in the mosque? The first is to discipline prayer times because many Muslim high school students in 15 Surabaya are not disciplined when praying. Some pray first and many pray last too when class begins, there is permission to come out for the second prayer. Want to make sure all students have prayed by way of absence because we are put in school by our parents at school then the school has the responsibility of supervising your studies including overseeing your worship fingerprint is one form to oversee the worship of high school kids 15 Surabaya for Muslims.
Who are the main targets and targets for holding a fingerprint? all Muslim students. The target is that there will be no lies by children towards their teacher. The fingerprint will later detect which children are late and irregular prayer.
When is the fingerprint used? During prayer time, if there is a child who wants an extra value, maybe it will be checked, maybe every first break he prays dhuha, then there must be a positive value in the child.
How many fingerprints are provided at the mosque? in total there are 6 units 3 for men and 3 for women
Is the fingerprint done well or is there an obstacle? while from the initial fingerprint installation, it was positive that more pilgrims were more orderly and organized, but for the evaluation results this month it was still in progress.
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good, follback
don't forget to fingerprint
so amazing!! minta tlg di klik bentar & komennya yaa makasii
Nice!!! :)
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allahuakbarr!!! takbirrr!!
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