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Chane Loves History

Foreword I am grateful to Almighty God for giving me the spirit and grace to learn to make books with my creations. I thank Teacher April, Teacher Syaiful, and other teachers from media guru/sasisabu because they explain the material with good explanations, and I thank them for the good cooperation of the sasisabu/media guru teachers. Happy reading!

Characters Chane Mikey Darby

Once upon a time in the United States, there was a teenage boy, age 18 and named Chane that wishes to be a History Teacher at the Oxford School. Chane invites 2 of his friends named Mikey and Darby to the Museum, both of them are 17 years old, they are a bit younger than Chane. When Chane is on his way to the Museum, he calls Darby by phone to make sure that Mikey and Darby are also on the way. Darby answers Chane's call while Mikey is driving the car to the Museum. The three of them arrived at the Museum at the same time, Chane greets Mikey and Darby, immediately they enter the building, Chane shows the tickets to the officer of the Museum. After Chane, Mikey, and Darby are inside, they are happy to see the Museum for the first time. They see many statues, Modern art, and important people from all History. After 2 hours later the Museum is almost closed because it's the evening. Chane says goodbye to his friends and leaves them from the Museum. When Chane is driving he remembered a long time ago his mother said to read more books and study well. After Chane is at home, he takes a shower, uses his clothes, and studies History. Now Chane loves to study History. Several years later Chane's wish came true, he is a History teacher at Oxford school and a writer. Chane is happy that his wish came true. He never forgot what his mother said.
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