High loyalty, these two supporters on Saturday night at the Dbl arena
SURABAYA - On this Saturday night, DBL Arena Surabaya was really crowded with spectators. Thousands of people came to watch every game this weekend.
Gambesmania and Boomas Attack also enlivened the match tonight. Gambesmania appeared fierce. Complete with their compact big flag flutter. Whereas Boomas Attack comes with a lot of mobs. They brought 8 parking buses at DBL Arena Surabaya.
Supporters of SMAN 15 Surabaya and SMAN 1 Kebomas, Gresik admitted they were very proud of their creativity. This was revealed by the two supporters' coordinators. Diko Rangga, Gambesmania coordinator believes they will win the best supporter this year. Because Gambesmania always stick with something new.
"We never run out of ideas to make supporters' creative work," he said.
While Armand Ghozali from Boomas Attack wants to show a sweet cover for DBL this year. Please note that they are one of the respected supporters in Gresik. Many awards they have managed to get.
"I want all out this past year. Winning or losing is not a problem, "he said.
Tonight Gambesmania presents the figure of a God who has many hands. They want to show that the players of SMAN 15 Surabaya have good fighting and defense skills.
While Boomas Attack displays a robot figure. The robot was seen to have won the war. The alma mater jacket worn by the robot indicates that war can be won with reason.
Although very fierce in the stands both still maintain order. After the fight they also helped clear the stands. "Gambesmania and all supporters should maintain peace. We are only fighting creativity and loyalty, the rest we are brothers, "said Diko Rangga.
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