How We Celebrate National Batik Day on Libels
Wednesday, October 2nd , 2019 was a special day. This was National Batik Day in which many people in Indonesia celebrated one of the national treasures, that is Batik. Since 2009, UNESCO had designated batik -- a traditional technique in Indonesia of wax-resist dyeing applied to cloth -- as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.
Batik itself in Indonesia has become an image throughout the world. Because Indonesia has something unique about batik. Either can be seen from the design of the carvings, the basic ingredients, the manufacturing process even from the design sometimes contains its own meaning from the batik maker.
Every year, to appreciate the work of son and the daughter of Indonesia, SMAN 15 Surabaya, of course, would like to appreciate the arts and culture channeled through batik by using Libels batik school uniform. Not only the students wear batik but their teachers too. The enthusiasm of the students became one of the positive behaviors in uniting diversity and a sense of love for the motherland. Habit that indeed needs to be done early.
Not only at certain times, in everyday life students can wear batik with the latest models that adjust the tastes of young people so that it indirectly popularizes or promotes batik. So that it impacts on the economy of batik entrepreneurs and preserves batik from extinction. So, let’s be proud to wear batik!
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