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Libels Party Atmosphere

Libels Party Atmosphere

November 15, 2019, my school held a very good event, called Libels Party or known as Liberty, this event was held in Jatim Expo Surabaya start at around 4 pm and end at 12 at night.

There were 3 big guest stars who came at the Libels Party, such as Reality Club, Kahitna, and Didi Kempot. They all made the libels party fun and enjoyable.

Our first guest star is Reality Club, Reality Club is an indie rock band from Indonesia which was formed on April 16, 2016. One of the members of this band is Fathia Izzati who is also an YouTuber. The famous reality club song is 'is it the answer?' and 'elastic heart'. They performed songs with energy and enthusiasm.

The second guest star is Kahitna, which has 9 members. Maybe Kahitna is a music group that is suitable for teenagers to adults. The songs always illustrate the beauty of love. One of the songs that can make your heart melt is the one titled 'Cantik'. Depicts someone who is in love. A flowery feeling and want to always be able to meet the woman he adored.

The third guest star is Didi Kempot, for this one is a singer who is on the rise among young people in East Java, because the song describes the confusion of the heart, also called 'ambyar'. One of the songs is 'Kalung Emas' also tells of someone who is heartbroken. The song 'Kalung Emas' tells of a heart whose love has faded.

All the guest stars of the Libels Party succeeded in making the event lively, nothing to lose for watching this Libels Party event because after the event the festive mood was still ongoing.

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