Moments of Liberty 2k19
15th November 2019, it was Friday when the Peforming Arts of Libels Party or what we called Liberty were being held by SMAN 15 Surabaya. This performing was held at the JX International Convention Exhibition, joined by three guest star which are Reality Club, Kahitna and Didi Kempot.
Aside from the festivy from the guest star, this event also brought many great and outstanding performances from the winner of solo vocal and band competition, and also the extracurricular from SMAN 15 Surabaya
Food and beverage stals are profided in the foodfest area, which was very interesting and served many delicious foods and drinks. Other than that, there is a photobooth area that present 180° rotation photo. And the most interesting fact about this photobooth is that the visitor don't get charge for any of this photo.
This event succeed to make people of Surabaya interested to go there. The whole area of the venue was fulfill by thousand of audience from many generations, not just the young people or teenagers, the parents and the adults also enjoyed this show. Also, not forgot to mention the experiences that was given in this event will always be memorised.
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