Audy Shafa Libels

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A Piece of Germany in Libels

A Piece of Germany in Libels

SMAN 15 Surabaya is one of the partner schools in cooperation with the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany which is incorporated in the program PASCH (Partner Schule)

So, do you know what is PASCH?

PASCH is "Schools: Partners for the Future". This program is a collaboration program form German goverment with 1500 schools partner which has spread all over the world. In Indonesia, there are 30 school partners for this program. East Java have four schools which become the school partners. SMAN 15 Surabaya is one of the school that had been appointed as one of the school partners in Surabaya.

In SMAN 15 surabaya, the second language that we learn is German. Every student in SMAN 15 got German languange since they were in the 10th grade. We studied German from how to read the alphabet that were used in german spelling. German spellinng are quite similar with Bahasa, so it makes ease for student to understand German language. After we know the spelling, we were introduced to numbers, how to introduce ourself, german verbs, how to arrange sentences and so on, we continue it in the next grade.

Maybe you're asking yourself, who teach us german language in SMAN 15 Surabaya?

Of course it's our teacher, we call her "frau". "Frau" means mrs (teacher) in german. In SMAN 15, there are 3 frau, among them are frau Sekunda, frau Yeti, and frau Anna. All of them are very experience teacher for teaching german, also they've studied there.

Every year, SMAN 15 Surabaya send 2-3 students. Through a very intensive program to study more about german language also taking exam (the minimal is B1 German language with a predicate "gut"). Students that were stated pass from the exam, they are allowed to join summer camp or Winter camp program in Germany.

With this oppurtunity, students who have interest in studying german and students who wants to learn more about german language have the oppurtunity to study abroad.

If there's a chance, why not taking it?

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excellent, dont forget to take a look my articel

01 Oct

So amazing, don't forget to follow and comment back my article

03 Oct

guten morgen

02 Oct

guten morgen

02 Oct

good article

02 Oct


02 Oct

This article gives me new information. Thanks, shafa :)

03 Oct

Good job my deskmate

02 Oct

Omg nice

01 Oct


01 Oct

So amazing! Good job!

01 Oct

So amazing!!

01 Oct

Nice, good job!

01 Oct

Gut article, keep it up!!!

02 Oct

Nice article

02 Oct


02 Oct

Great article! Would you please follback? and Please check mine too, and kindly leave a comment. Thanks!✨

02 Oct


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