Sobat Ambyar Must Read This!
Friday, 15th November 2019, SMAN 15 Surabaya hold Libels Party or Liberty. Libels Party is an annual event where we invited musician to play music in this event. This year the guest stars are Reality Club, Kahitna and Didi Kempot.
Who don't know Didi Kempot? Didi Kempot is a campursari singer who become rising in this year. He born 31st December 1966 in Solo, that's the meaning he is 52 years old now. He has been composing 1000 songs for 1989.
Then, what is the meaning of sobat ambyar? Sobat ambyar is the name of fanbase from Didi Kempot. But some fans from Didi Kempot call them self Sadboys or Sadgirls. The fans call Didi Kempot with tittle Godfather of Broken Heart or Lord Didi. They call Didi Kempot like that because the song represents their feeling.
Last night, Didi Kempot perform on Libels Party sings Sewu Kutho, Cidro, Suker teki, Banyu Langit, Layang Kangen, and the most favorite song, Pamer Bojo. He make audience dance and sing together. Didi Kempot successfully closed Liberty. Liberty this year is AMBYARRR!!!
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