Student LIBELS accepted by PTN, based on the SNMPTN and SBMPTN pathways
Based on SNMPTN announcements on March 23, 2019, according to the data it states that the number of student libels received was 31 students. With the details of 13 students accepted at Airlangga University, 6 students were accepted at ITS, 6 students were accepted at UB, 2 students were accepted at UGM, 1 student was accepted at ITB, and 3 students were accepted at UNESA.
Meanwhile, if compared with 2018, the number of libels students received by SNMPTN was 47 students. with details of 12 students being accepted at UNAIR, 12 students being accepted at ITS, 11 students being accepted at UB, 7 students being accepted at UNESA, 4 students being accepted at ITB, and 1 student being accepted at UNEJ. it can be seen that the number of students accepted has decreased by quite a number from the previous year.
Santi Nurmalahayati, Counseling Guidance Teacher, SMAN 15 Surabaya, said that this was caused by several external factors. Such as changes in policy from universities, GPA scores from alumni, UN students' scores in previous years, SBMPTN scores, and many other factors. SMAN 15 Surabaya will further encourage students to focus more on the SBMPTN written test exam, because based on the previous year many libels students were successful on this path.
In addition, students are expected to know the direction of their life goals and discover their interests and talents. "This is important. By discovering your interests and talents as soon as possible, you can focus on learning to reach the majors that you have targeted that match your interests and talents." said Mrs. Santi, Counseling Guidance Teacher SMAN 15 Surabaya.
The TKA questions in sbmptn contain High Order Thingking Skills, students are required to be able to hone mathematical logic, critical thinking, and also problem solving skills. Through HOTS, students must be able to use their knowledge to analyze, evaluate, and even create things. The three things above are the three highest stages in Bloom's taxonomy coined by education expert Benjamin Bloom. According to Bloom, several educational goals are memorizing, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating, and creating. Students have high order thinking skills so they can solve complex, critical and rational thinking problems.
Students not only memorize lessons, but are also able to analyze, synthesize, and create. With the habit of facing challenging questions such as HOTS, students' minds can be encouraged to develop more so that they can think critically and creatively.
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Laporkan Penyalahgunaan
Mantap drey
Good job drey
thank u ka:)
thanks anggi!
Wowwwww amazingg
very educating
thanks zul!
thankyou alda
thankyou, im glad to hear that ')
thanks :0
U joss
ur article is also good!
Nice drey
thankyou na ❤
hi dell!
thanks el!
Nice dre
thanks dri
Nice dre
awesome!!! what a nice article
thankyou ul!!
very nice
thanks joses')
Great article
thanks for the info! :D
urwell ratih :)
Such a great article
thankyou ')
good job drey!❤
thanks cee
Great job!!!
hiyak thanks sal!
I agree that the written test exam guarantees higher education, as long as we have a strong effort and determination, your writing motivates me:)
Great job drey!!
Maaci nis
Great article! Would you please follback? and Please check mine too, and kindly leave a comment. Thanks!✨
good luck to you for any written test! i know u can do that
good luck to you for any written test! i know u can do that
good luck to you for any written test! i know u can do that