Libels Party 2K19 - Make Last Memories
The Libels party 2019 event held on 15 November 2019 by SMAN 15 Surabaya took place very festive. The concert was attended by various circles, ranging from teenagers to adults. Good spotlight lights, as well as a wide stages setting make LIBERTY 2K19 concert a special. The event began with the band display, and extracurricular in SMAN 15 Surabaya.
Not only that, Liberty concert also provides a variety of foods and beverage booths, so for those who hunger and thirst do not have to worry anymore to eat outside. There are a variety of beverages vendors ranging from coffee, chocomilk, etc. and there are a variety of foods stalls such as Pentol Ammar, Roti John, McD, Yoshinoya, Chicky Box, and many more. After asking one of the Chicky Box sellers about the Liberty event this year. "The show is okay, but wait for the artist to show up for a long time." Said one of the sellers Chicky box.
Indeed, this year liberty event is very well-awaited with guest stars who have different genres of each other, Didi Kempot who is a campursari singer, Kahitna with his pop song, and Reality Club with its indie genre. On the right side of the food stand, there are a variety of clothes booths, and upstairs provides photo booth for you guys who want to print moments with friends and family. And there is a Joy Day stand that provides free ice cream on the condition of inserting photos on Instagram.
Enthusiasm from the audience was varied, when the event of the Reality Club Band everybody started waving, when the entire appearance of the audience Kahitna sang together, the latter when the appearance of Didi Kempot the whole audience danced together.
So, how do you think liberty this year?
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Laporkan Penyalahgunaan
Nicee !!
uwu free ice cream!