Arya Ksatrya Libels

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Liberty, short of Libels Party, was an annual event held by the SMAN 15 Surabaya or Libels (hence the name Libels Party).

Liberty was basically a concert that was open for public. But not just like any concert, all of the commitees are Libels students. Liberty also gave a chance for any extracurricular to perform the uhh... ,whatever they're doing, as long as it was perfomable live, like the saman dance, traditional javanese dance, anabel (angklung kolintang ansable libels), karawitan, and even bands (I was in one of those bands you know).

The event usually held on saturday night, but this year, they made some bald moves. They change it o friday night at the Jatim Expo Convention Hall 15th of November 2019. Liberty also held a band competition and solo vocal competition. The winner and the runner ups also gets to perform on stage at the event night.

I firs arrive at the venue thursday night. I was doing a sound check for my band. I went there and saw all the commitee work tiressly. Some of them even stays there for the night. The sound check rundown was messed up 'cause one of the band comp participant was late. So i finished sound check at almost midnight.

The D-day. I came to the venue at around 4 pm. Then i made it to the band room backstage. I allready dressed up fine and dandy ready for the show. I can hear all the performances by the extracurricular, the band comps guys, and the solo vocals. At some point i felt nervous and can't stop shaking my hand. Then i started setting up my pedals (i'm a drummer, in case ya'll didn't notice by now). Then, my time comes up. We got uo to the stage, and i install my pedals to the drums. I try and kick my bass drum once. The "thud" just strike into your heart all the way to your feet and shake the ground underneath, and then... we started playing.

I acted like a schmuck cuz i felt confidence (and a little cocky). That cause me to rush and messed up my tempo at the second song. Even then i still acted all schmuck (that is untill i listen to the replay of my performance. I felt the cringe runs through my entire nervous systems). After everything is over, i packed my pedals and then... everything blacked out. Silence strikes the entire venue. The excitement fills the crowd, the tension rises, i can almost felt their heart beating. The crews sets up the drums as i walks out the stage and walks to my room.

Then a video shows up at the screen. I dont really know what the video is, 'cause i'm still in my room. Then i try to get to the festival. Thats where i heard some pickpockets are on the loose, so i took a percautions by going the other way. Thats when Reality Club got onstage. Some of the crowds goes crazy and screams when they sang one of the songs. I don't really care cuz i don't really know them and don't actually enjoy their song. So I just went to the food fest 'cuz i was really starving. Seems like it became a habbit to miss the opening guest star, I do that every year

When i get to the festival, the next guest stars showed up. They were Kahitna. I was squeezing through the crowd to get to my friends. I dont really brings anyone to liberty (i know i know, its kinda sad). So i got to my class mate. I tried to enjoy the moment, but then again, its not my kind of music. So i just headbang to the beat and point out my index and pinkie finger like an idiot. One of my friends yelled at me "wrong genre you idiot". Then Kahitna did some bald moves. They called one of the crowd up the stage. A young woman walks up the stage. And then Kahitna do some supposedly "romantic" sh*t to her. They sang a song while holding her hands, fixing up her hair, hugged her etc. Of course the crowd went nuts.

Then, the moment they were all waiting for. The reasons why most of them even comes to Liberty. Then all lights went on. The tension breaks as the MC's got onstage and start blabbering. I dont really give sh*t to them to be honest. They were saying some nonsense to cheer up the crowd, but that didn't really work on me.

The crowd got a little upset cuz the MC's got them waiting (probably on purpose). Then, the moment the MC's introducing the last guest star, the tension rises, and then Didi Kempot walks in to the stage. The Sobat Ambyars goes wild. As the song plays, a lot of them got up onto their friends shoulder and started dancing, they even took their shirt of. Boy that was wild. Its like a jungle out there. I even got my friend up my shoulder and let him dance. He was a big guy, so that really makes my back and shoulders sore. I actually didn't enjoy these type of music, so i just do the same thing, raising my hand while pointing up my index and pinkie finger, and do the headbang thing. And my friend keeps telling me "wrong genre you frickin' idiot".

To me, its more like a "kondangan" than a concert. Finally, i cant help but yawn all the time and my eyes were heavy. I used my "special priviliges" to get to the backstage. When i got back at my room, i just hit the couch and rest for the rest of the event.

Liberty was always a fun event, but almost all of the guest stars did not have the same genre as me, so it was kind of a bummer. Looking at the popularity of metal music on teenagers, it is not likely that liberty would invite a metal band in a near future. But hey, atleast i got to perform on the gig. Shouts out to all of the commitee that work on this event. I Hope all of your hardwork pays off

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