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In this modern era security systems are increasingly needed by the people. So what's the solution? Now in SMAN 15 surabaya has applied new parkir security system. How is that system works? The parkir security system using automatic parking bars.
How is that system works? The parkir security system using automatic parking bars. Beside that the student use their student card to unlock the parking bars. The other benefits, except the security is to absent student who parking in the parking park so they can't escape from school.
"The new parking system is great, I mean our school can be more modern right now" With the new parking system now students who want to parking their motorcycle no need to worry if there are a loss. So the security of SMAN 15 surabaya can be more better.
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Laporkan Penyalahgunaan
What a nice system!
parking system will be better
Follback comment back dinn!!
good job
It's not efficient at all Don't forget to read and comment at my article too and follow back my account :v
very nice udin
Look so modern
Good job
Amazing system
Woww nicee
Woww nicee
Nice parking system
Very bad
Very bad
it's good
So amazing, don't forget to follow and comment back my article
that's greatt!