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Something New in Liberty 2k19

Something New in Liberty 2k19

Liberty or what we know as libels party is an event that is usually held every year by SMAN 15 Surabaya.

every year there must be something new at liberty, and every year will invite different guest stars, in this year the guest stars are reality club, kahitna, and didi kempot.

The atmosphere broke out when didi kempot appear flat. the audience pushed each other, some people were afraid, and there were some people who lost their cell phones.

this is the first time it has happened at a party of libels, it has never happened at a party of libels in the past.

but at libels party this year it was full house until the end of the event, congratulation to the liberty committee this year, for successfully preparing such a cool event.

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Laporkan Penyalahgunaan


Wow! That's so spectacular!!

19 Nov


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