Belstrada stole the championship trophy again?
On 4 September 2019 yesterday, belstrada (libels traditional dance) brought home the championship trophy again
The dance competition held by the Korem in the context of the creative social communication activities in 2019 in the grand city and participated by the Belstrada with members Syefa Ilmi Beandita Putri (X IPA 5) Sekar Wahyu Tri Wandari (X IPS 3) Syifa Ilmi Beandira Putri (X IPS 3) Aisah Ananda Ardyansah (XI IPS 1) Deajeng Fereneza Ramadin (XII IPA 9) They won second place
Yesterday's championship was not the first time for them, before they also won first place in the remo dance competition held by the Kodim on August 19, 2019.
The key to victory for them is only one, namely "solidarity"
According to Deajeng : "In every race there are only 2 choices, if we don't win, we lose, from the start we will definitely try to appear in the best, as much as possible, the results will surrender to God ... the motivation if we lose, it means we practice it still less and the other participants are better than us, even if we win, we still have to be enthusiastic, keep racing to win again, but we can't be arrogant, and certainly don't forget to give thanks to God even if we win and lose, the important thing is to take the experience."
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Laporkan Penyalahgunaan
good, follback
Thank you
Good job
Thank you
Proud of you guys!
Thank you
I'm so proud of them
Yeah... me too
proud of them!
Yeah me too
So amazing, don't forget to follback me
nice anita :) minta tlg di klik bentar & komennya yaa makasii
Thank you
Thank you
Proud of belstrada
Yeah... me too
wow,proud of them!
Yeah me too
so proud of them!
Yeah... me too
Thank you
Keep up the great work!
ayo follow saya
Knock, knock , you have been visited by The guest of honor. Rated 5 out of 5. Keep up the good work!
We love you belstrada
Nice info gan
So proud of them !
Yeah me too
we proud of you belstrada
Yeah.. me too
Wow, good job!!
Thank you
Wow amazing
So great and so proud! Good job!
Thank you
Nice, good job!
Thank you
omg, i'm so beautiful thanks
Great article! Would you please follback? and Please check mine too, and kindly leave a comment. Thanks!✨
Thank you
sleep tight babe
Thank you
Wawww, That's a big reward!!
keren, good job
keren, good job