Anis Faricha Libels

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Do you know what "liberty" is? Maybe those of you who are not citizens of Surabaya City or SMAN 15 Surabaya think that "Liberty" is a giant statue located on Liberty Island, United States, right? Or not? Of course, Liberty 2k19 is not that ... Ok, I'll give some interesting information about Liberty 2k19. So, read carefully guys😉

Liberty 2k19 is an acronym for 'Libels Party 2019'. So, it's not a statue of Liberty, guys. Anyway, do you know about "libels" is? Yup, libels is also an acronym for 'Lima belas (fifteen)' which is a short name of SMAN 15 Surabaya. Liberty 2k19 was just held 4 days ago, precisely on 15 November 2019. • What's in Liberty 2k19? • Is this just a party? The answer is absolutely not. In Liberty 2k19, there are many art performances,both music and dance from SMAN 15 Surabaya and several other schools. In addition, what most interests people from Liberty 2k19 is the appearance of the existing guest star. • Who are the guest stars? • Who are they?

Jeng jeng jeng🥁🥁 The guest stars are Reality Club, Kahitna, and Didi Kempot. Wow, so cool!!

Well, for those who are hungry, you can also go to the food court in Liberty 2k19 because there are so many snacks and drinks.

On last Friday night, Liberty 2k19 was attended by many Surabaya people, starting from Kahitna fans, Didi Kempot fans, Reality Club fans, or people who were just looking for food. Liberty 2k19 was very crowded by many fans and definitely fun watching the guest stars. We can sing along with the guest stars. So, for those of you who didn't come to Liberty 2k19, you must be really regret.

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