The struggle behind drama overtime
SMAN 15 Surabaya has just experienced drama overtime with one of the private high schools in Surabaya. The drama was able to make DBL feel the fight was fierce and tense. And of course, before the drama overtime, a lot of struggle they did. Confidence and effort also prayer are very fruitful results and pride even though it does not deliver Libels entered into the last eight.
The basketball libels struggle certainly didn't start training one day ago or even last week. Every week they struggle hard by practicing seriously and even though they are practicing, they never play around. They are always focused and consistent.
According to the coach of SMAN 15 Surabaya, Iqsal Yanuar, he emphasized increasing the fundamentals of his squad and it was able to make the basketball player libels skill evenly distributed. "I emphasize to the children that the Honda DBL is no different from other competitions that they usually go through. So they are not burdened, "said coach Iqsal.
Their enthusiasm and agility made the libels win and enter the playoffs. However, Iqsal did not want to be complacent. He felt the basketball player's libels defense was still not optimal and he would increase it again to become the group champion and be able to defeat the next opponent which was considered very difficult.
The uneasy struggle, as well as cheering from Gambesmania, the name of supporter libels increasingly ignited the enthusiasm of the players and made DBL join in the fierce play that determined the last eight. Libels excelled in the first quarter until the end of the second quarter. But unfortunately, Libels actually lost a lot of momentum in the third quarter due to lack of communication on the field so they often lose the ball.
The heat of the game continued until the fourth quarter and its peak, two free throws from guard libels, Aryaputa Rakha Dewantara forcing the game into overtime. In that round, libels were often defeated but always managed to keep pace and occasionally surpassed until the last minute. But mistakes that libels shouldn't make, make IPH made it into the last eight with a score of 38-35.
However, Gambesmania along with the coach and also the teacher are very proud of the performance of the basketball player Libels in the match so far. They are still and always proud because basketball players have managed to amaze with the results of a very satisfying match also because of their enthusiasm and optimism that never disappoints.
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thank you Gambesmania !
Thank u gambesmania
Come with love, Sing with heart and the last is cry :(
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