Sobat Ambyar Fulfilled East Java Expo
SMAN 15 Surabaya once again enlivened the East Java Expo with the audience sing along in the Liberty event. It’s the second time Liberty being held on East Java Expo and it’s the eighth time has been held become the most expected art perfomance by all citizens of Libels.
Liberty 2019 was held on November 15th with the theme AETHEREALM inviting Reality Club, Kahitna and Didi Kempot as guest stars. Each guest star is given one hour to perform in the stage. But, Didi Kempot is different because he is the highlight of the even, Didi Kempot has given one and half our.
The three guest stars managed to make Liberty watched by more than three thousand people who filled the East Java Expo, because who came to Liberty are not only millennials but also x generations. They mostly wanted to see Kahitna and Didi Kempot as a guest stars who has been waiting for.
Since 03 p.m, the Liberty gate has been opened and closed at 08 p.m. Food stands, drinks, photobooths and even clothing that is established increasingly enliven the atmosphere of Liberty.
Liberty’s guest stars songs really enliven the atmosphere of sobat ambyar who want to dance. Even though they don't remember the lyrics, but they keep laughing with their friends while rocking to enjoy the song. This year’s Liberty ended at 12 a.m
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