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Liberty 2k19: Unforgettable Night

Liberty 2k19: Unforgettable Night

Is this really the last liberty? The long awaited event every year from SMA Negeri 15 finally arrives. Liberty 2k19, to be the last for us who are in twelfth class. Liberty is an art performance organized by SMA Negeri 15 Surabaya. Liberty is held on Friday, November 15, 2019. The location is no different from the previous year, namely at the East Java Expo International Convention Exhibition Surabaya. Visitors who are ready at the gate look very enthusiastic. They are students of SMAN 15 Surabaya, parents, and teachers and spectators from Surabaya who want to be seen.

This year, liberty takes the theme of AETHEREALM. Meant different dimensions, clear sky; the area above the air outside the clouds, very smooth and light in a way that seems too perfect for this world.

Then the most important is this year's guest star. Liberty presents campursari singers namely didi kempot, reality club, and kahitna. Very cool! This year Liberty managed to get us with this guest to come to this amazing event. The audience consists of adults and teenagers.

Didi Prasetyo or better known Didi Kempot (born in Surakarta, 31 December 1966; age 52 years) is a campursari singer from Central Java. Some of the songs are titled any Banyu Langit, Pamer Bojo, Ambyar and others. Reality Club is an indie rock music group from Indonesia. This band is fronted by Fathia Izzati who is also a YouTuber. One of the songs is Never Getting Better, Is That the Answer and Telenovia. Kahitna is a music group from Bandung which is driven by Yovie Widianto (piano). Although he often carries the theme of love in his lyrics, Kahitna is able to integrate jazz, pop, fusion, latin and even ethnic music to be very beautiful and has a special character. Some of the songs are Andai Dia Tau, Cantik, Takkan Terganti, and Soulmates.

The band also displays the talent that is displayed in the form of extracurricular, band and solo vocal competition. besides that, foodfest is also available, for example mcd, Yoshinoya, Roti John, Chicky Box, Nathania, Pesen Kopi, The poci, Joyday and many more. Also a mural competition with a fantasy world theme by High School 15 students. Then we can also capture the moment with photobooth provided. We enjoyed it very much. I think they have done a very good job. What do you think?

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