Chapter 8: Making New Friends
Chapter 8: Making New Friends
So making friends isn’t a particularly easy task, because people have unique personalities and character traits. But luckily for me, because their character traits and behavior are somewhat close enough to mine, I made friends a lot easier. So I made friends with those who had similarities with me. But don’t worry, this is just the first stage of making friends. If you haven’t passed a certain level yet then take some time to develop so you can be more open to new friends with unique traits and personalities. It’s hard to make friends, but I thought that my classmates are already enough to be friends with me. I pretty much have recognized every persons’ faces by now. So in this third week, I was told by someone that I have to take care of a store, the shopping one, not the one to store all the old stuff.
So in the recess, the second one, you know, lunch break, I went to the store and I already saw someone in the store, which is a bit strange considering that I was the only guy that was told to take care of the place. But I took care of it anyway, despite only observing the place. I was observing the sky, it’s beautiful and I’ve done the whole thing without ever having to do anything. I know, a paradox, right? Anyway, while I was taking care of the place, I was with a girl. Nothing too interesting, though, just talking stuff with her like my name, where I came from, and my class. When I first saw her, I got to be completely honest, she was quite dull. P.S. not trying to develop a relationship, because that would be overboard if you know what I mean. It wasn’t too crazy for me, but of course, as usual, I got through it. But I feel a little better after that, you know, I’ve never been closer to a girl than 30 centimeters. Anyways, I prayed the afternoon prayer, which, in Islam, is a requirement for all followers to do so. Likewise, I did that and went back to class, still remembering ‘that’ experience, which made me remember ‘her’, but after a couple of minutes I forgot about it to continue my studies.
After that, I went back from school only to find my other stuff not arriving from Malaysia yet. But I’ve forgotten about that to play my videogames, playa! Nah, just some cool stuff every kid does to keep their ‘morale’ so yeah. A few more weeks and 120 hours of playing video games later, I found myself in an announcement for a camp, a scout camp to be more specific. I chose to participate of course, and they offered me to join the camp despite it being only for senior high school students. But in a twist of events, I had been declined again from the group because of the lack of vacancy available.
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Laporkan Penyalahgunaan
Yes exactly, but it is hard to memorize the names of my Thai friends as they have very very long name. So it is better to memorize her/his nick names, like Top, Ploy, Benz.
Yes exactly, but it is hard to memorize the names of my Thai friends as they have very very long name. So it is better to memorize her/his nick names, like Top, Ploy, Benz.
Yes exactly, but it is hard to memorize the names of my Thai friends as they have very very long name. So it is better to memorize her/his nick names, like Top, Ploy, Benz.
Yes exactly, but it is hard to memorize the names of my Thai friends as they have very very long name. So it is better to memorize her/his nick names, like Top, Ploy, Benz.
Your friend, her name is like your name.... Easy to remember right.....