Andhara Vittayasa Sugandi

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Chapter 4: From Air to Ground

Chapter 4: From Air to Ground

As I boarded the plane, I got so nervous to the point where I basically had to almost pee. It was quite the feeling I have to board that plane. Boarded that plane, which is a one-way ticket to paradise and I basically love it. While on the plane, I looked at the window of the plane and said to myself, “I’m going to miss you, Malaysia. Maybe I would visit you again one day. And that ended my love story with Malaysia, not indefinitely, aka forever.

As the plane flew midair, I possibly ate the best thing of my life. The food is like chicken soup with rice. It’s a Thai delicacy. No irony involved. But the rice is no ordinary rice, it tasted sweet and salty. It was nice, I felt like eating more of them. But I ended up sleeping for the next hour of the flight, which turned out true that when after you already eat something, you almost immediately feel sleepy. But seriously, I had a good nap though.

I slept for around 40-50 minutes, and what I saw after I was awake all seemed like a revelation. Actually, I just saw clouds, but I believed that I’m closer to Bangkok. So, I just stared straight at the sky for a few minutes before I looked back at the seat in front of me. However, the longer the plane flew, the closer I am to the destination. Then, all of a sudden, my whole world changed. Bangkok was just below me. I feel like jumping out of the airplane the moment I saw the ‘Beautiful Thing’. When I saw the city, I said: “I have not seen anything like this for nearly a decade!” It was unlike anything I’ve seen in 10 years. Anyhow, after around 15 minutes or so I’ve reached the airport, breathed a collective fresh air, and ‘felt’ the city. But of course, when you’re in a new place you still have to get used to the burden of doing a lot of stuff, like finding a place to stay, although at most times some of you might as well already have a place to stay when you’ve moved to a new place.

I then rode a taxi to my home and actually it took quite some time to reach my apartment. Once I’ve reached the apartment my parents have chosen as the preferred apartment to live in Bangkok because of the cheaper price tag than most apartments in the city. After I went to floor 18, I reached my room. I couldn’t specify the name of the room but it was that room. My parents and I put all the stuff on the floor and we started arranging all the stuff on the floor. I got to be honest though, I got a little sleepy while in the process. So I did what any sane person would do: Taking a bath. And I did all the other stuff until I come across the enemy of laziness: the bed, I have to make the bed. Somehow I managed to do nail it. I brushed my teeth and I slept comfortably.

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Laporkan Penyalahgunaan


haha ... that is so natural.

14 Mar

Your pee pee 5555.

08 Mar


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