Chapter 3: On My Way to Bangkok
Chapter 3: On My Way to Bangkok
Ok, so it is hard to handle pressure. But when that pressure is as big as the next best thing in your life, you’d better be glad that that pressure is onto you. So, today is December 26th, the day that would forever be etched into the writings of history, at least in my life, of course. I woke up in the morning, took a bath, ate my breakfast, brushed my teeth, prayed, and did all the other stuff I would do before going to school every day and I’m all set. Only thing I have to do is wait for the taxi to arrive. But when I asked my mom what type of transport we’re going to use for the trip to the airport, she said something about her friend’s car. And alongside my mom and dad, we waited for about 15 – 30 minutes, so it wasn’t long till the car arrived. It was kind of awkward to meet an old friend of my parents’ or even mine. Anyway, the sooner we get ready the sooner we’re going to leave. But before we took our trip to the airport, we said farewell to friends, specifically my parents’ friends, because my friends’ homes are not even close by.
After we said farewell, we took off. It was really exciting for me, especially when I’m going to a place that brings me back memories. Of course, just like every other person on this planet I got excited about something that is called ‘good times’. But I have to say, by the time I arrived at the airport, which is, by the way, a quite small airport, which has only one terminal, and the terminal is not too big nor too small. Anyway, my parents’ friend is crying because my family won’t see him again. I was a little stunned by the sight of someone crying, apart from crying myself. As we said farewell to him, we got to the terminal, checked our luggage or baggage, it depends on how you think and got to the plane after waiting in the waiting room, obviously. I flew from Senai International Airport in Johor, Malaysia to Kuala Lumpur, the capital city of Malaysia, as some of you may obviously know. However, as I got there, the next flight to Bangkok takes I don’t know, 4 – 5 hours more for me to wait, so it was a real stick in the mud if you know what I mean. But, as time passes by, I’m already in the terminal. Good times, I know. But you still have to wait, right? I mean, what is a task without time and energy being consumed, right? Anyhow, I waited there for around 30 to 90 minutes. I played my phone a little bit, and I dozed off only to find myself in a line waiting to get on the plane from Kuala Lumpur International Airport To Don Meuang International Airport in Bangkok. I said to myself, “This is the moment of truth, I’m going to be the happiest man alive.”
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Thanks for your comments. The flight was ok.
How about your flight when you arrive to BKK?