Chapter 22: My First Crush
Chapter 22: My First Crush
Okay, I’m going to be real with y’all. I know that you, at some in your life, whether it’s long term or not, you often fall for someone. It doesn’t matter who are you liking, it’s just that the feeling that’s important, as it’s one of the first signs that you’re, how do you say this, err, grown? It’s that how you say it? Oh, ok, got it.
But seriously though, I had a crush on this girl, she’s a tenth grader so I think ‘moving on’ would be a little overboard. This girl, it was the one that I, ahem, ‘took care’ of a store with a month prior. So, of course, this would be completely natural, am I right? This is February, of course it’s a month prior.
Anyways, I fell for her while she and her family were away somewhere in Indonesia. I was looking for her, seriously, I’m honest for a week before she finally came back on Wednesday of the third week of February. I actually had ‘deep’ feelings about that ‘debacle’ so I never bothered about anything that is out of my ‘reach.’
But since I couldn’t do anything about the feeling, I just distracted myself by singing songs like We Are the Champions by the British rock band Queen, and, one of my personal favorites, Levels by Swedish DJ Avicii. I loved singing and dancing to these songs that give me sufficient distraction over the feelings of love and romance and all that freaky stuff.
Every day, I would just stare at her whenever I can, I know that’s a little creepy, but it would’ve even been more creepy if I followed her everywhere in addition to staring at her for extended periods of time. Hey, it’s my life, so who can control it? I know that crazy stuff will happen if I risked everything just to do what my gut tells me to do because sometimes your gut can be completely wrong about the stuff that will happen if I’ve risked something, a part of my life, just for some useless ‘benefits.’
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