Andhara Vittayasa Sugandi

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Chapter 21: Life is Getting Better

Chapter 21: Life Is Getting Better

You see, life is getting better for me. School, homework, time management, all perfect, but not without problems, of course. Not only am I able to management my time effectively, but I now can deal with problems effectively by sorting out by which one was the hardest to solve.

The stress was still there, of course but the fact that I found happiness at some point every day encourages me to be that all the time. I remember that I expected homework every day, fearing it every minute. And while homework was usually given, there is at least one or two assignments every two days. Mostly my homework was just unfinished exercises while still at school and I actually hardly call it a ‘homework.’

But I got to be honest, homework actually at times don’t help with your ‘grades’ at all. It just worsens your stress and make you a workaholic for the rest of your life. And when multiple homework are given, they are the source of stress. Unless of course if that homework was to play videogames for five hours straight with no breaks at all.

I remember this homework, it was the Indonesian language and I have to do a homework that revolves around writing all the qualities of a fairytale, from structure to structure, and to divide a story into its respective phases of a regular story like the introduction, the beginning of the main storyline, the climax of the events happening, the ending, and so on. But actually I did not only managed to finish it, but I’ve finished it in just a day! That was amazing for me at the time. It was on a Tuesday when the homework was given.

I bragged about it often on the next day, well, at least to myself when no one was around to ‘evaluate’ me on my actions. It was great and all, and maybe, just one day, I’ll complete all of the homework in just a day. Here’s hoping, man.

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