Andhara Vittayasa Sugandi

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Chapter 20: Test, Again

Chapter 20: Test, Again

No seriously, there are literally at least two tests every week. So someone was doing something to keep us active in learning. I didn’t expect anything like this, so I guess that the schools at Malaysia were easy on me, huh? Well, nothing like a test to keep your brain running.

I remembered this time where I had to do a Social Science test. Nah, it was just a regular test, nothing too serious, you know. The questions actually can be answered had I not joined the camp, but unfortunately for me and my other friend, we didn’t pass the test. But, in an unusual coincidence, everyone failed. There was this friend of mine, she got higher than the rest of us, but still couldn’t pass. I know, right? It shocked me a lot, but I’m guessing that we’re all slacking at studying anyway.

Of course, my job is to study, sufficiently, not too much, because those high blood pressure statistics will keep going and up and up until it reached the top of the charts. So let’s not make our faces red, shall we? Good, you listened, because if not, you’ll go coco-nuts!

My desire of being smart is actually still strong. But considering that I’m too lazy to study coupled with the fact that my IQ is 91 makes me feel that being smart is just basically a hopeless idea.

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