Andhara Vittayasa Sugandi

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Chapter 2: Before I Moved to Bangkok

Chapter 2: Before I Moved to Bangkok

Before I moved to Bangkok, I was still in Malaysia. In Johor Bahru, Johor, near Singapore. I was there for nearly 6 years. So, when I heard my parents talking about moving to Bangkok, I was shocked. I’d never thought I would move back to Bangkok, the city where I lived over 6 years ago. But, I felt a little doubt about whether or not this is really going to happen. I began to contemplate whether or not this was true. When I heard that the flight to Bangkok was booked, I was in ecstasy. But, of course, as usual, a bit of doubt kicked in. When I asked that the move to Bangkok was imminent or not, My dad replied that the documents aren’t dealt with yet. He said that it would take quite some time for the documents to be finalized, aka a few weeks. When all of this happened, it was in December so I had to wait only for a few more weeks to fly to Bangkok. As weeks have passed, I was more convinced that I was going to move to Bangkok. It was a great feeling.

My dream of going to Bangkok was getting real. So by every passing day, I would always be prepared to make a move. So on Christmas Day, I got really excited to fly to Bangkok the next day. But it was a really long day. I felt really bored with what to do on December 25th. Playing video games has gone out of style and/or playing my phone is boring already. At night, I find it really hard to sleep. The bed was warm, I had a lot of nightmares, and I just can’t handle my excitement of moving to Bangkok.

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Laporkan Penyalahgunaan


Bangkok is not so bad.

08 Mar

I love Bangkok, I don't think it's bad

09 Mar


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