Chapter 19: My First Best Friend, in Bangkok
Chapter 19: My First Best Friend, in Bangkok
So, as I’ve said before, I wasn’t particularly good at making friends, but one guy stands out as the one closest to me. Let’s just mention him as the alias Marius. Marius was a good friend of mine, not quite friendly with his younger brother, of course as most siblings would do, but Marius and I got along and started a friendship that actually dated back to the camp I just mentioned. The guy I talked with about the camping in the U.S. while in the van on the way back to school just weeks prior was in fact, Marius. He, ahem, at first, didn’t quite have the charisma of a guy; he would often mess with me and do all kinds of stuff that would sometimes upset me, but as we talked more and more we actually started to become friends for real.
At this one time he told me that he was going to plan to buy PC specs for his gaming computer or laptop, but either way, he wanted to buy those. He would often invite me to a place like a canteen to talk about his progress on his savings to buy a processor, a motherboard, and a CPU. I don’t know much about the brands and intricate parts of the computer but I somewhat understood him, just listening to him mentioning numbers a little too often.
And, after a lot of talks about which specs Marius wants to buy, I’ve finally asked his phone number to in touch with him 24/7. He also said that he shares a PS4 with his younger brother, which, actually, is my classmate at Grade 7, and would often play it when his brother doesn’t ‘like’ to play it anymore. But he keeps insisting that he liked his PC more than the PS4, which made me think that his brother would play the PS4 for 95% of the time. Still, I don’t blame for his interest in the PC.
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