Andhara Vittayasa Sugandi

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Chapter 18: The Love of Life

Chapter 18: The Love of Life

As I went to school more often, I got a lot happier. My morale boosted, my determination still tough, and bravery, not so much but I’m still working on it. My work ethic still weak, but I’m trying my best to stay at the top of my game. From here on out, I’ve usually got my homework done at just the right time and best part is, after the homework is done, I celebrated and raised my hands in the air in happiness.

But there is one thing that changes my whole perception of the whole world altogether: The fact that I can read books now. I had the privilege of bringing a book to school, all the time. I also had brought my journal, to keep a record of events happening in my life.

I actually have learned a lot at school: lessons about history, lessons of talking to friends, the determination of the greatest people in history, and life lessons more often than not we take it for granted, for example, you keep forgetting about the things like homework, assignments, and the advice of your parents on what and what not to do.

And I have one example on my experience from enjoying life because once something has happened, it’s happened and there’s no turning back after that. Anyways, I had an extra on an instrument class. I loved it as much as I hated it, but it was a once-in-a-lifetime chance for me to be happy again. I had laughs because I made jokes with the younger ones. It was great, as I get to be friends with the kids, and became a kids’ guy. It was awesome, too.

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