Andhara Vittayasa Sugandi

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Chapter 17: Test Haven

Chapter 17: Test Haven

It’s now February, and I haven’t changed my habits one bit. As usual like every other student, I had my hardships at the school like homework, not talking to friends, and the problem of too many, sometimes either ridiculous or just crossing-the-line rules. Oh, and from now on, tests are becoming pretty common, not now, but the sooner the worse.

I remember this day where I was tested by my science teacher to do a test involving the ecosystem, you know like the food chain, the biosphere, all of those things. I got decent grades, but my friends have better grades but I’m okay enough with the grades I have because my minimal achievement was to pass the tests, not to succeed with flying colors.

This trend of tests continued for some time and I basically had enough of it, but there wasn’t really much that I could do. It was just a whole lot of burden for me, and I had to just pass them all up. I, of course, like most people, hate tests but what can you do, huh? Yeah, absolutely nothing.

That was until I come across something that interests me a lot: soccer. Soccer wasn’t, at first, my best interest in anything but as I joined the soccer extracurricular activity more and more often I often enjoyed it at the end of the practice. The extras on soccer are on every Friday and more often than not I pretty much enjoyed it in the end. When I played, I wasn’t really good; I did bad passes to a teammate and I often kick in the wrong direction. But still, my determination was stronger than ever.

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