Andhara Vittayasa Sugandi

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Chapter 16: Back to School

Chapter 16: Back to School

Now it’s still January, of course, but in the end, on the 28th of the month. I went back to school, bright about what’s ahead of me. Reached school, and I think of the girl again. It’s official now; I have a crush on her, but it wasn’t strong so yeah, not too bad. I, of course, can still deal with the hardships of my life while simultaneously thinking about ‘that’ and all the stuff. But this particular Monday wasn’t like any other. We actually have to do a flag-raising ceremony, of which I despised it the most. It actually took a shorter time for the ceremony to end, unlike the one I had at my previous school in Malaysia.

Ok, the ceremony ends and I have to go back to the usual business of studying, the biggest surprise of all time. It was phenomenal. Nah, just about after the studying, I actually had my first homework, I don’t remember what I have to do but it certainly is not an assignment nor a homework done on a laptop or a computer, but it’s still homework, you know. Anyway, as a regular gamer, I sat down playing the games, but not before I did my homework and set up the book for the next day.

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