Chapter 15: Camping, Part 5: Epilogue
Chapter 15: Camping, Part 5: Epilogue
So, this is it, the defining moment of my life. Got up, and I guess you know where this is going so I’m just going to let you sort this thing out yourself. And then, unlike the other days where we assembled at the field, we just kind of done nothing and stayed at our camp. Of course, there will be some activities before home, but nothing significant. But, in a twist of fate, my teacher told us that by the time we’re at school, we should clean up the tent, and there is going to be an all-you-can-eat party at school, so he told us to not go back home just yet.
Just 30-45 minutes later, the first van arrived, and another one also arrived, and another, and that’s it. As soon as the vans have arrived, I entered first, and I was the first to put my stuff inside the van in hopes of playing my prized PS4, Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey, to be exact. After that, the driver greeted me by saying Assalamualaikum, an Arabic greeting for “peace be upon you.” I responded by saying Waalaikumsalam, which also means the same as Assalamualaikum, but with a ‘too’ in the end. I’m guessing he was a Muslim, and rightfully so. He said that because he is a Muslim, and I nodded as a way of saying ‘Oh yeah.’
Then, others also entered the van and around 15 minutes after they stopped at my camp, we’re on our way. At the start of the trip, we joked a lot, ha, good times, bro, but nothing escapes trouble, not even the slightest of happenings. And then silence sets itself in, and we went quiet for several minutes, but of course, we reconciled and we’re minding our own business again.
But then, I was called by my friend to talk to him. We talked about airplane tickets to the U.S. of A. for another camping experience. But I said, “You sure you’re up for it, bro?” He said that we will work on it in the near future by saving money time and time again and another requirement for going to camps in Europe, and other Asian countries. I said that it was quite a task, and I can’t possibly do that in just five months. So I guess that I declined and it was up to him instead.
So after two hours of driving by the driver, we’ve reached the Bangkok Metropolitan Area again. “Yes!” I said. And after that, we’re in the school, and we did a few things there like eating and taking photos for the school album, we went on our way back at approximately 3:30.
But, suddenly, I thought of the girl I met at the store not a few days prior. It was quite tempting, and can’t stop thinking of her, but I went with my life anyway, then thinking about my video game. About half an hour later, I reached home. It was an exciting feeling I had, and I proceeded to take all the stuff out of my two bags. I ate a few more and then I took a break, and I played videogames right away. It was like a feeling reborn, now able to play the PS4 again. It was quite a feeling, and it brought me nostalgia.
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