I have been calling caves my homeI'm living in the mythsThe spiders and the bonesThe creepers with their hissThe nights when undead roamEndermen that persistAnd clearly none of them will match against my featsAnd I just know where I should goI'm taking all this riskI'm just hunting for that fighter everyone calls him a glitchAn antiheroRevenge is my blissWhat fight have I got intoA clash of magic blitzI'll be living just like thisDoo doo doo doo doo dooDoo doo doo doo doo (not exact)Oh, I'll be living just like thisDoo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo dooDoo doo doo doo doo doo doo (not exact)Oh, I'll be living just like this (music plays)I'll be living just like this (music plays)I've been reading books of old the legends and the mythsThe testemants they told the Entity's eclipseThe embers he controlsThe flames that burn his fistsBut I'm not the kind of creature who can glitch and I just know where I should goI'm taking all this riskI'm just hunting for that fighter everyone calls him a glitchAn antiheroRevenge is my blissWhat fight have I got intoA clash of magic blitzI'll be living just like this (music plays)I'll be living just like this (music plays)Oh, I'll be living just like thisDoo doo doo doo doo dooDoo doo doo doo doo (not exact)Oh, I'll be living just like thisDoo doo doo doo doo (not exact) Where'd you think I'll goI've taken all this riskI'm just hunting for the fighter everyone calls him a glitchAn antiheroRevenge is my blissWhat fight have I got intoA clash of magic blitzI'll be living just like this (music plays)Oh, I'll be living just like this (music plays)Oh, I'll be living just like this (music plays)Oh, I'll be living just like this (music plays)Oh, I'll be living just like this Terjemahkan ke bahasa Indonesia
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