The Magical Laundromat
Judul Buku: The Magical Laundromat
Penulis: Amira Azkia
Kelas: Sasisabu Daring 7
Jenis Buku: Novel (Fantasy, Drama)
Sekolah: University
Raven Koyama is the typical broke college student and is currently working at a nearby laundromat named “Magical Laundromat” from her shared flat with her best friend.
While she was having her night shift, a strange man suddenly crawled out from one of the washing machines sweating profusely with a troubled face. Then he proceeds to explain that after dark, the washer at the very corner leads to a different world, and his job is to supervise the realms within that place, so they won’t find the portal to this world and keep the peace between them.
Klaus (the strange man) proposes to Raven to join and help him to stop the chaos that’s threatening the peace of all the kingdoms. Would Raven agree to his bizarre suggestion or not? What is going to happen next for Raven & Klaus? Are they going to succeed and put an end to the ominous being that endangering the realms? Discover more inside and accompany those two on their exciting journey!
Table of Contents:
Chapter 1: The Beginning of Everything
Chapter 2: The Obsidian Empire
Chapter 3: Lunenham, The Perpetual sea
Chapter 4: Enthora, The Mythic Sanctum
Chapter 5: Caelum, The Sky Land
Chapter 6: The Supervillain
Chapter 7: Aftermath
Author’s Profile
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