TML Preface
Before going deep into this, I’ll like to begin with the feeling of gratitude to God for this opportunity and chance to write and publish this work. The book is a work of fiction that I found the prompt or idea for the plot on a website named reedsy and tried my best to write this as well as I can with my elementary writing skill.
The novel talks about Raven Koyama and Klaus Werner, where the two met at an unexpected circumstance and location, and the adventures they will go through in a different world and realm. They will also meet other characters that will either help them in saving the world or ruin it.
I present this work to my family for their never-ending support for me and helping me with their ideas. I’ll also give my appreciation to MediaGuru Team, Kak Syaiful, Kak April, my friend Mikhail who gave me a lot of ideas, and my family. This book would have never existed if it’s not for them, and they’re my most influential inspiration and motivation to write.
I’ll like to end this with an open mind and heart for critics, as I understand that this work is not even near perfect, and everyone has different tastes and opinions. So, I’ll be very grateful for all the views and take them as a way for me to not only grow as a writer but as a person too. I hope for the readers to have fun and immerse themselves while reading this fiction, and I wish all of you a great reading!
Jeddah, 11 October 2020
Amira Azkia
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