Amira Azkia

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Chapter 2: The Obsidian Empire

Chapter 2: The Obsidian Empire

[This is only a preview, please look forward to the whole chapter on the actual book]

After walking for almost what felt like a decade, they entered a forest and arrived at a small house near a river and Klaus exclaimed with extended arms, “Welcome to Terabithia!”.

Raven looked at him with a judging face and said, “Isn’t that from a movie? That’s plagiarisms you’re doing sir.” Klaus just shushed her and began a long rant about how he is free to say and do whatever he wants because his motto is “I’m the epitome of freedom.”, whatever that’s supposed to mean.

They went inside, and Klaus went straight to his wardrobe to give the shivering girl a blanket and went ahead to light some fire in the fireplace. Then he went to the kitchen to boil some water and asked loudly, “What do you want to drink? Tea or coffee? Or perhaps some hot cocoa?”

As she was answering, “Hot cocoa sounds ni—”. He cut her off and said there’s no more, and he’s going to make some tea instead. Raven sighed yet again and wondered why he bothered to ask in the first place.

“Are we not going to talk to the fact that you forced and shoved me inside the washers?” She complained, her arms extended towards the fire for some heat. “Well, you saw me in the act. No way I’m letting you go! Besides, I told you I need an assistant, so it’s a two-bird one stone situation you know” Klaus smugly explained, sitting on a stool waiting for the water to heat up. He talked about what’s happening in the four realms and how a group of dangerous creatures under one anonymous leader, is spreading terror through the nation. Some are spreading about the portal and are searching for it.

“God, that sounds horrible.” Raven gasped in shock. “Yeah, so my job right now is to at least put a hold on those people. Imagine what happens to your world if they ever get hold of the portal.” He shuddered in fear and clenched the necklace he was wearing tightly.

Klaus approached Raven with two cups of tea in his hands and gave one to her and sat down across from her. “You should rest for now; we will go to one of the kingdoms in here. I’m sure you will like it” He gave her a small smile, and they drank their tea in silence.

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Laporkan Penyalahgunaan


What a great story with a fresh concept, a world through the washing machine :) keep up the good work, Amira!

16 Oct

Thank you for the supportive and encouraging words; I'll work even harder! (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡

17 Oct


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