A Small Kindness Through "JUMAT BERKAH"
Doing good things can begin with small kindness. The slightest good things deed can make the people we help feel happy and that will be our own happiness. In SMAN 15 Surabaya there is a new activity called Jumat Berkah which is made with the aim to familiarize all school members including students doing good things through one of these small things.
Jumat Berkah activity is carried out with donations in the form of food from all school residents who want it without any coercion or restrictions. The motto of Jumat Berkah activity is that anyone can take and fill. So residents outside of school can also participate.
This Jumat Berkah activity is held every Friday and placed in front of the East gate. Usually the ones who will prepare for this Jumat Berkah are Mr. Adi as a religious teacher, Mr. Nanang as a mathematics teacher, OSIS Members or security.

This Jumat Berkah activity is expected to help people in need and can be used as learning for all school members to not forget to do good even the slightest and is expected to provide blessings for those who participate or receive
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Laporkan Penyalahgunaan
very wisefull
Such a good program!
I see so much goodness
wow, greaaat!
So amazing, don't forget to follback me
so good!!
Good thing to do
Good program
Wowww nice
ayo follow saya
This is good program from libels
Good program
Good program
Good program
nice people
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"Little things" but have a big benefits