Alvin Danis Libels

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LIBERTY 2K19 - Extraordinaire Experience
Liberty 2K19 on Friday, November 15, 2019.

LIBERTY 2K19 - Extraordinaire Experience

Hello guys and girls, welcome back to my article. Right now, I want to write an article about my experience at Liberty (Libels Party) 2K19. For those who don’t know what Liberty is, I will explain it briefly. Liberty is an annual event held by SMAN 15 Surabaya aside from LEO (Libels English and Education Olympiad) and Libels Cup (Sport Competition). As far as I know, Liberty has been annually held since 2012, and has invited many famous guests both from locals and overseas.

Liberty 2K19 was held on November 15, 2019. Honestly, I don’t like going to concert, but since my friends insisted, I’m going. Although, I did say I don’t like going to concert but that time I felt excited because it was my first time going to a concert with friends, I would say Liberty 2K19 is not bad at all, it was a great experience for me. In Liberty 2K19, there were 3 guests, Reality Club, Kahitna, and Didi Kempot. Reality Club went up the stage first, that time everyone was cheering and came closer to the stage. After some songs, Reality Club stepped down and Kahitna appeared, the crowd cheered louder than earlier that u can feel the sound’s wave outside the venue (no lie XD).

In my opinion, the most climax situation is when Didi Kempot performed. Everyone was singing and dancing in excitement, except me of course XD, since I don’t know the song. At that time I realize how clueless I am, I don’t know that going to concert would be so much fun (as long as you are not alone, but if you go alone just prepare your heart if you know what I mean). The atmosphere was so hype, everyone was dancing like crazy and the light effects were so cool. Unfortunately, I had to go home earlier than everyone, because I have to go somewhere on Saturday. Oh, I forgot to mention the food stands. The stands are vary and likeable, I mean it’s our everyday carnival food and drinks, and I’m sure everyone like them because the stands always full of customers.

Alright, that’s all from me about my experience at Liberty 2K19, thank you for taking your time reading this article, don’t forget to leave a comment and follow, I wish you the best, bye-bye!

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Laporkan Penyalahgunaan



17 Nov

Wow! That's so spectacular!!

19 Nov


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