Heroes Behind the Stage
November 15th 2019 is one magical night for thousands of people. SMAN 15 Surabaya has successfully made another spectacular work for this year yearly agenda, Libels Party, or well known as Liberty. There were so many aspects that took this year’s Liberty to a whole other level.
Have you ever wonder how can an event be this outstanding? Most importantly, who were behind all this?
Liberty 2019 has 177 crew members that had promised to make the event successful and amazing.
For 3 months, these selected, amazing, hardworking people work their bones off, paying every tiny details that can make Liberty complete. They are consisted of students from SMAN 15 Surabaya. These Crew Members were divided into 9 divison. Main, inquiries, health & consumption, food festival, decoration, publication, open air, transport, sponsorship. Each of them had their own job that are equally important for the event. If you want to join as next year’s crew member, you better keep reading!
Being a crew member is not an easy job, not only you have to work hard to make sure that Libels’ biggest event is succesful, but you also have to sacrifice your time and energy. You have to really balance your work time as a crew member and your school life as a student. When it was close to the big day, most of the crew members didn’t even get any sleep because they had to stay at the venue to preapare everything at the last hours. But all the tiredness and stress would automatically fade as you see on the big day, how successful the event is.
“Although it’s hard and can be a little stressful, it’s definitely a very very fun experience” said Rochelle, a member of the open air division. “The 177 of us aren’t just crew mates, we are family!” add Kaka, a member of the transportation division.
So, are you interested in joining next year’s Liberty Crew Member?
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