A Spectacular Night with LIBERTY 2K19
A spectacular annual music event from SMAN 15 Surabaya, Libels Party or known as LIBERTY has back. LIBERTY 2K19 with this year tagline ‘Aetheralm’ that came from 3 words; æther, ethereal, and realm which means a magnificent world beyond the sky. Aetherealm is a different dimension. The realm of energy, where ghosts usually exist. It is also where power and energy are drawn from. Sounds a Lil bit scary yet very exciting, isn’t it?
LIBERTY 2K19 was held on Friday, November 15th in JX International Convention Exhibition Surabaya, with Reality Club, Kahitna, and Didi Kempot as guest stars. The event opened with performances from solo vocal competition winners, band competition winners, and performances from extracurricular Libels, such as Saman Queen, Belstrada, Karawitan, and Anabel. And then an awesome performances from the Libero Band and Supercluster Band from SMAN 15 Surabaya.
From the first time you got there, you’ll know from the queued of people outside, that this event has so many spectators inside. And when you’re in, you’ll see many of food and beverages stands, even stands for clothes and accessories are there too! And you’ll find a photobooth section if you are going upstairs, it is very pleasant to be there, no regret at all.
The first guest star, Reality Club, performed their songs such as Alexandra, Elastic Hearts, Is It The Answer, etc. Their songs have a catchy beat that makes you want to dance. The second Line-up is Kahitna, They sang their popular songs, such as Cantik, Tak Sebebas Merpati, and Mantan Terindah.
Finally, the last guest star, Didi Kempot , with his so popular broken-hearted songs, made all the crowd sing and dance loudly with their whole heart, that is why his fans are called ‘Sobat Ambyar’ because they are all experiencing a broken heart and touched by his sad songs. He performed Cidro, Banyu Langit, Pamer Bojo, etc. He ended LIBERTY 2K19 by singing Pamer bojo again for the ‘Cendol Dawet’ chants that also shouted so loudly.
"The crowd became so loud when kahitna sang ‘Oh cantik’, I was surprised when all the girls come screaming ‘what’ as an answer, that’s fantastic." said one of the audience. This event is very entertaining and full of excitement. Hopefully, SMAN 15 Surabaya can bring back the great atmosphere for the next LIBERTY.
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