Closing Party Libels Cup 2k19
15 Senior High School Surabaya annual sport competition event has return. The event was called ‘Libels Cup 2k19’ with this year tagline ‘Majesty In Victory’. It has football, volley, hockey, modern dance, supporter mascot and basketball competition. Contestants of this event are the students of Junior High School and Senior High School from Surabaya and other city arounds.
After atleast 1 month full of competition, this event is reaching it end of journey. Closing Party Libels Cup 2k19 is finally held on April 27th, 2019. Opened with final girl basketball match between Petra 1 SHS Surabaya and 15 SHS Surabaya with final score 44-46, 15 SHS won.
Final boy basketball match is held afterwards, the winner from Junior High Scool is 22 JHS Surabaya with final score 43-39. And for Senior High School, 15 SHS Surabaya is winning 56-32 from 20 SHS Surabaya.
Finally, the encore that we are all waiting for, Closing Party Libels Cup 2k19 begun. Brightness turn into darkness, DBL arena filled with full excitement from the audience. The guest star coming through the entrance, YowisBen Band managed to close the event with stunning performance. They are performing their hit song, specially ‘Lagu Galau’ and ‘Gaiso Turu’. Flashlight show from the audience makes the performance more dazzling.
Closing Party Libels Cup 2k19 has became a really pretty memories for all of the audience for that night and as time flies by. So, are you ready for the next Libels Cup as an upcoming 15 SHS Surabaya event for next year? I am very excited to see what’s next! You can see all the upcoming event of 15 SHS Surabaya on Instagram @15libels, till we meet again, see you next year!
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Laporkan Penyalahgunaan
thank youu
good, follback
thank youu, done
Memorable :'))
Best party ever
of course! our school event power hoho
thank youu!
What a wonderful party :)) Don't forget to read my article too and give your comment on it :v
indeed! done it already
This is amazing ❤❤❤
Good job
thank youu
Good job!
Luvvvv pol
very much ceunahh
so cool
but it didn't freeze u right? haha jk, thankss
Great job
of course :p HAHA thankss❣️
we o we
Very Excited!!
Sounds amazing!
it was so beautiful
good i'll wait for the next year
That's so interesting!
waww, nice article
who commented on all of your friends?
can you know why use english sis?