The New Infrastructure
Today when you see some of 12th grade, there's a different things.Guess what? Yes, our school got a lot of new chair and table from the government in mid September.Circa four classes in 12th grade have been studying with that.The new chair and table have a white-brown color, it have smaller size than the old one.
Of course the government gave us a new infrastructure with some reason.The old infrastructure that we had have a lot of damage like broken chair leg,have a lot of scratch,the perforated table,etc.That's why they gave us the new infrastruture so we can study comfortable and focus without confusing about the chair or table that we used everyday.
Almost of the students who already studied with that were happy.But some students are also have another thought about this.According to Alya Fitri from 12-4, she said that the new table have no locker for put her books or some utilities like pencil case or maps."I have to put my books and other on the shelf behind the class.That's make me harder to put my important things like books or maps," said Alya when I asked her on 26/9 after school.
After the change of some chairs and tables we have to take care all of the things that we used in school.We shouldn't write on the table with tipe-x or ballpoint,use chair or table for playing,and other behaviour that make school infrastructure break.As a student we have to use our school's infrastructure wisely, we must also study hard with that so we can success in the future.
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Very good!
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goodjob ka!
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