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Safety at Libels Party 2K19

Safety at Libels Party 2K19

Libels Party is an annual event that was held on Friday, 15 November 2019.Reality Club,Kahitna, and also Didi Kempot were contributed to make this event great and spectacular.Circa 4.000 people were watching event that was held on JX International Expo.

Due to make this event went safely, 45 polices were come to ensure Jiexpo that night.Eventhough that were some cases where lot of people lose their phone, Liberty going great and fun.There wasn’t any of commotion even lot of people were in crowded.

Kahitna as one of the guest star said thank you for Liberty because the event was exciting and fun.As the student of libels, I am so proud to my school especially my friends that were working for this event because liberty 2019 was exciting and gave me a great experience on my third year at libels.

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