What Lurks in Libels After School Hours?
For some, school ends after the bell rings. For others they continue activities until dusk. Whether it be school projects, extracullicular activies, or just simply not in the mood to go home yet, the school stays open for students. During this time you can see the school extracurriculars show off their amazing performances. Witness as our XVB heroes grind their game to destroy their opponents. As Gambesmania continue to beat their percussions giving rythm to heat up the matches. While the LDC continue cheering for the team. Or hear the calming gamelans played by the Karawitan. Or the soothing choir, Livo, as they sing their songs for their next competition. During this time almost every extracullicular activities are practicing for either their competitions or stages. There are also students who continue their studies and work on their school projects. "Being in school after school hours is the best. It's actually calming and relaxing. The view is totally worth the wait". -Fardian, Senior Year Student.
As our choir stops their singing. As our supporters ends their chants. As our players stopped sprinting. We all watch the sunset as we hear the Adzan all calling for us.
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So amazing, don't forget to follow and comment back my article
amazing, but my article is better
So amazing, don't forget to follow and comment back my article
Good article , dont forget to follback and comment my article
You thought it would be a comment, but it was me DIO
You thought it would be a comment, but it was me DIO
gils gils
what a great article!
Indie sejatie