Leadership Camp For The Libelsian Aspiration Inisiator
Leadership camp or known as LDKS in Libels is one of the event to select the new board member of OSIS MPK. Before they committed to be loyal as the board member and always serve Libelsian the best they can do, the candidate will be tested by their senior. Through all the test, LDKS is the last test before they are appointed as a board member of OSIS MPK.
Last year LDKS was held at school itself and a camping ground. This camp is held to select who is the best candidate and who will be appoint as the heirs of their seniors. Beside of appintment of the new boar member, they will learn values that they must have to be a board member of OSIS MPK.
This year, LDKS will be hold soon to select our heirs that will continue the tradition. The test had already done and the candidate will be inform soon. “The Candidate will be inform soon then we will inform them how the LDKS will be hold from the technical meeting”, said the leader of the commitee, Cipta Tungga.
“From what we had last year, we will transfer the information and the values to our junior, so we hope that they might understand and ready to be the successor of us”, said The Chairman of OSIS, Andito Febrian.
”From us to the junior, that’s the point. We hope that we could give our successor the best. Stay happy and positive for our junior”, said The Chairman of MPK, Ariq Al Khasyi.
That’s the short information of LDKS, as the OSIS MPK said, they will do their best to make their junior ready for OSIS MPK. That’s all hope you enjoy guys!

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Good articel!!
That's great