What's Going On Between Mia8i and The Fountain?
You all must already know about the beautiful fountain which is located at the frontyard of Libels. In this fountain, there are many fishes who dances gracefuly in the waters and also lots of green plants that refreshes our eyes. Also the sound of the splashing waters that calms the heart The libels fountain is a great photo spot. In fact, every year this fountain is used as a photo for the yearbook of each class. After the final exam, students of Science 8 usually does a ritual (just for fun). What kind of ritual, you ask? Well, let me explain it. First, you swing your body forward and backward like a woodpecker a few times, turn around with a jump, and end it with another turn around with a jump again. The reason for this whole ritual is to relieve the stress and pain that the finals cause. It may sound weird, but it can make us happy
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Wow that's cute
weird flex but okay
big guy!
musyrik musyrik
Disuruh komen
Nice pin
Nice article
weird but ok
Astaghfirullah Haram haram, jahannam, this is dajjal signs comin' out
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Nice article