Quiet Woman
She walked amid the crowd of people who are in the market. It was seen there are some people who talk about the woman, one of them said.
“Look at that woman, she’s white and beautiful but unfortunately he had an unhealthy body that is fat”.
They laughed out loud when talking about the beautiful woman. On the other hand, the woman looks with confidence to walk and spread smiles to everyone around her. Due to the nature friendly and polite that she had, a lot of people who love and appreciate her. She’s also a very hardworking woman. When she went home, she was not to rest directly. She did other chores such as sweeping, mopping, washing dishes, washing clothes, and helped her mother to cook.
After completing the homework, time for her to relax while watching her favorite tv shows that is cartoon. Because the fun watching, she did not know that her mother called her to make tea. It made her upset, angry and approached Yulena by saying, “You are already 25 years old, but you still watching a cartoon, until I called and you didn’t heard,”
Turning off the TV is being watched Yulena. She just looked down and apologized to her mother.
“You are already adult but you never willing to change your bad behaviour, well you have to make a tea for me now”, said her mother.
Yulena replied, “Yes Mom” as she walked into the kitchen.
The incident made Yulena sad and upset with her mother. Because she never gave enough time to watch her favorite cartoon. She then went to the room with a scowl, her friendly smile was gone instantly, and the tears wet in her white cheeks. In her grief, she recalled the same incident a few years ago. At that time, Yulena already developing strategies to regulate some of the activities that should she do to be able to watch her favorite cartoon. All things already well at the begin. But when 30 minutes after the cartoon began, her mother told Yulena to help her who was cooking. Yulena which is cool to watch tv ignores her mother’s orders, because she had completed all homework which she is responsible. It made her angry and turned off the tv being watched Yulena. She was forced to obey orders to help her mother cook in the kitchen. Because if not, she will get mad and totally forbidden to watch her favorite cartoon. The incident is still happening until now the cause Yulena lamenting his bad luck. Just to watch the cartoon was difficult and full of struggle.
Cian was the younger sister Yulena. She’s 5 years younger than her sister. She has a slender body where it is different from the body of her sister. Cian always get whatever she wants from her parents quickly and without the sacrifices. She also could do whatever she wanted without any restrictions whatsoever from her mother. Therefore, Yulena felt that her mother treated her differently and unfairly. However, she just could silence her mother’s response to all treatments. Because she’s not chatty like her young sister who always say what she thinks. All the events that make Yulena a quiet woman, aloof, and closed.
When Yulena was study, she lived with his uncle. She is free from the shackles of her mother who always gave this command and that command. She can do whatever she wants. She was able to watch cartoon as much without her mother’s know. This she did about 4,5 years. In college, she began a relationship with a man, Joko, from other campuses are 1 year older than her. He has worked in a factory as a laborer. He has a very strong religious knowledge and understand the unseen. Because of his knowledge, he did bad things, witchcraft, against Yulena and the purpose is to draining Yulena’s family money. However, what Joko did, it is out of Yulena’s know. Time after time, Yulena’s money owned by Joko used up to pay the rent, pay for motorcycle loans, pay debts, and others. And she did not feel that strange things. Because Yulena loved him, she did whatever Joko asked without her parent’s knowing it.
After graduating, she began working and living back with her mother. Over time, Mrs. Alysa started treating Yulena well. She could do anything and watch cartoon as much time not only at her uncle’s house but also her parents’ house. Yulena very pleased with the change in attitude from her mother. However, she still remains closed to her family especially Mrs. Alysa.
After a while, Mrs. Alysa treated Yulena very well. He often buys gold jewelry to decorate Yulena's body to make her look more attractive and elegant. However, every time Mrs. Alysa told Yulena to buy gold jewelry, the gold jewelry often disappeared. Yulena always gives the reason that her gold jewelry is lost on the road when Mrs. Alysa asks. He also often took the money without his parents' knowledge. Because of this, Mrs. Alysa began to suspect that something was wrong with her daughter. He began to investigate what Yulena's life was like outside the house. Because of his persistence, he was able to find out what happened to his daughter. Mrs. Alysa told her daughter not to come into contact with Joko. Yulena agreed and had no family relationship with John at that time. However, a few days later her gold jewelry disappeared again and made her mother angry and annoyed. So Mrs. Alysa took the initiative for her child to go to a religious teacher and psychic to cure her child. However, this couldn't change her bad habit of always taking money and giving her jewelry to Joko. Mrs. Alysa surrendered to bring awareness to cure Yulena, who never recovered. Seeing her mother seriously ill, Yulena woke up and began to change her bad behavior.
Several years later, Yulena met a handsome man, a white, hard-working, and good. The man named Mirza. Yulena undemonstrative love him. After a long acquaintance, Mirza apparently harbored the same taste with Yulena. He was applying for and invite Yulena to get married. They lives happy ever after.
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