My friend from Australia
My name is Prima Restu Setia. Usually called Prima. I'm the only child from a pretty good and great family. My hobbies are reading books and occasionally opening Telegram. In the afternoon until 7 pm I am at home alone with my maid who I usually call Mbak Tisya, because my father and mother work. Even so, I never miss the intimacy between the two of them.
"Mbak, I'm home." I shouted as I entered the house.
"Hi Lady Prima, are you home? Come on, quickly change clothes, Lady, I have prepared your favorite food." Mbak Tisya said to me.
I went straight to my room and changed clothes then ate.
After eating I went straight to my room.
"Booo bored." I screamed in the room alone.
"I'd better just open Telegram." I muttered while taking my laptop which was on my study table.
I immediately opened A******s Chat, a kind of place to chat with strangers.
"Hello." I said in Chat A*******s while waiting for someone far away to reply to my chat.
"Hi." answered the stranger.
"What's your name?" I said in the chat.
“My name is James Watt Alvis Ivander. I'm from Australia. How about you?” he said.
I smiled a little when I saw the chat reply. it turns out he comes from a country that is respected in the world.
“My name is Prima Restu Setia, but you can call me Prima. I'm from Indonesia." I answered back.
"Oh cool. I've never been to Indonesia in my life. Nice to know you, Prima." He said it in language that was easy enough for me to translate.
"Yes, James." I said again.
Since then, James and I have been friends. Even though he was very far away, we felt very close. We often greet each other on other online sites. Like on Instagram, Twitter and even we love TikTok. James is very kind to me, I am very happy to know him. I'm happy to have a friend like him. We are also the same age. Maybe in Indonesia he was in twelfth grade.
Suddenly the sound of an incoming message on my laptop rang. I saw it straight away. Apparently from James.
“Hello Prima. What do you do now?" he asked
"Reading a book, James." I said to him.
"Prima, next month I will go to Indonesia." he says. Immediately I felt very happy.
“Really? What are you doing in Indonesian, James?” I ask.
“My parents will meet in Indonesia with PT. Mahajana Raharja :D.” James said in the chat.
I immediately remembered it. That company is the company where my father works. That means James' parents will have a meeting with my parents.
“Hi James, my parents work at PT. Mahajana Raharja, so that your parents meet my parents," I said to James.
“Wow, really? Prima, I'm very happy.” he says.
This is the day I've been waiting for. James said he would come to Indonesia today. My mom and dad and I picked James up at the airport. I am very happy. My parents are also very happy with my best friend James. James is a good boy, friendly and funny.
Since then we have been friends until we were adults.
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