The Health Troops From Libels
Saka Bakti Husada or can be shortened as SBH is one of the extracurricular activities of 15 Senior High School in Surabaya. SBH is part of scout but it is more focusing in health. Generally, SBH is only in certain schools have this as an extracurricular activities for their students. Perhaps SBH isn't as popular as livo or basketball, but precisely because of that, people started to getting curious and wanted to know more or even join the SBH especially people who wants to be a doctor.
In SBH we not only served in UKS, but can also be health professionals when the flag ceremony on Monday. In addition, in SBH also taught a lot of basic skills who it can save people for example first aid emergency services or can be shortened as PPGD. PPGD usually used when it happened crush on the highway. This skill is important and we can only closely with join SBH Libels.
SBH Libels has connection with puskesmas in gayungsari Because SBH in Libels more advanced than in other schools. Every once a month they usually attend extension in puskesmas gayungsari to the next work. They also several times given the opportunity to help the task of the puskesmas gayungsari such as difteri imunitation and teaching how to wash hands properly to students in elementary school.
Daniel as a head of SBH said he join in SBH because this extracurricular has more potential can be increased. Beside that, he get many connection with many doctor in puskesmas and friends who wants to be a doctor too.
'SBH more of an organization, but as a forum to develop the potential ourselves'
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That't great. Thanks for your information
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Naftalena Antrasena Benzena
Naftalena Antrasena Benzena
Wow great article...thanks
The best article,,good job!
Wow this is interesting article!
This article is different and very interesting! Thanks...
I like this article so much!!!